Oksanastudio fitness

LET’S fitness!

We offer a one-of-a-kind fitness workout experience on the east side of Cleveland. Whether you're looking to get in shape, try something new and fun, or achieve your overall fitness goals, we've got you covered.

training with oksana and team will maximize your training experience



bounce boot yoga sculpt TRX flying yoga MFR aerial yoga

bounce boot yoga sculpt TRX flying yoga MFR aerial yoga

meet the founder

Hello, my name is Oksana. I was a high-level gymnast in the past and have over 20 years of coaching experience in gymnastics. I am a certified personal trainer with an ISSA certificate, and also a nutritionist with additional ISSA certification. For the past 5 years, I have been coaching yoga sculpt and have found that yoga has completely changed my life, inspiring me to continue learning more and more. I now coach fly yoga, which I highly recommend! Additionally, I offer bungee jumping boot and TRX classes. My primary goal is to create safe and enjoyable classes for everyone. Come try them out!

bounce boot yoga sculpt TRX flying yoga MFR aerial yoga

bounce boot yoga sculpt TRX flying yoga MFR aerial yoga

fly with aerial yoga, or jump with bounce boots, our studio can fit any fitness needs you may have